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A Young Man Writing
Classmates in Library

Step 1: The Interest Meeting

A meeting to provide membership information to prospective members.

Step 2: The Membership Class

A class designed to educate individuals about the organization's history and traditions.

Step 3: The Induction Service

The formal church ceremony that brings new members into full membership. 


Each of our members is a professing Christian and exhibits a willingness to serve in Christ’s Kingdom. Though we are not perfect, we strive to develop a strong fellowship and unity among our active members, equipping them for life and furthering their walks with the Lord.

There is absolutely NO HAZING! The time you spend in the Membership Induction Process is simply to learn more about our organization, build relationships with your Brothers and Sisters, and strengthen your relationship with God. There are expectations that must be met to be a DNQ member, but we will never subject anyone to hazing or have them do anything that will be compromising their Christian faith.


The members of Delta Nu Omega, Inc. will be accepting applications for new members in the spring of 2024.  If you would like to receive a membership application package, please email the Grand Chapter Officers at

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